A Distributional Evaluation of Generative Image Models
Edric Tam, Barbara E Engelhardt
Under Review, 2025
Statistics and ML
Exact Sampling of Spanning Trees via Fast-forwarded Random Walks
Edric Tam, David Dunson, Leo L Duan
arXiv preprint (revision at Biometrika), 2024
Spectral Gap Regularization of Neural Networks
Edric Tam, David Dunson
arXiv preprint (revision at JMLR), 2023
Multiscale Graph Comparison via the Embedded Laplacian Discrepancy
Edric Tam, David Dunson
arXiv preprint (to be submitted to JMLR), 2022
Fiedler Regularization: Learning Neural Networks with Graph Sparsity
Edric Tam, David Dunson
ICML 2020, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 2020
Biomedical Applications
An mHealth App (Speech Banana) for Auditory Training: App Design and Development Study
J Tilak Ratnanather, Rohit Bhattacharya, Margo B Heston, Joanne Song, Lindsey R Fernandez, Hong Seo Lim, Seung-Wook Lee, Edric Tam, Sungho Yoo, Seung-Ho Bae, others
JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2021
Pediatric Brainstem Gliomas: A Retrospective Study of 180 Patients from the SEER Database
Syed I Khalid, Ryan Kelly, Owoicho Adogwa, Adam Carlton, Edric Tam, Salik Naqvi, Jacob Kushkuley, Shahjehan Ahmad, Josha Woodward, Ryan Khanna, others
Pediatric neurosurgery, 2019
A receptor and neuron that activate a circuit limiting sucrose consumption
Ryan M Joseph, Jennifer S Sun, Edric Tam, John R Carlson
Elife, 2017
Axon dynamics during neocortical laminar innervation
Randal A Hand, Syed Khalid, Edric Tam, Alex L Kolodkin
Cell reports, 2015
Determining bruise etiology in muscle tissue using finite element analysis
Kevin Tang, Wyatt Sharpe, Alexandra Schulz, Edric Tam, Ian Grosse, John Tis, Dennis Cullinane
Journal of forensic sciences, 2014